Turbo Jumper 1.0 is kinda strong like with a yellow spike use bound they also will make them lose 15 strength and uses 2 energy.

Snapshot takes 3 energy and swap blocks the opponent for 2 rounds! 

Crystal Maul is kind of the same as Snapshot but instead of being swap blocked it loses 10 strength!

Rumble Sqid 1.0 is Kinda strong too and a good helper.

Rumble uses 1 energy and with a red spike it will make your opponents nanovor lose 10 armour.

Blocker swap blocks the opponents nanovor for two rounds!


Wave 2 came out on the 23rd of Feburary 2010. Ever since then people hav been wondering.... will wave three coming and is there such thing as wave 3? The answer is ... Soon but probably in July.

Lots of people have wave two nanovors and can i say some are really strong if they are buffed!

Wave two has been out for a long time now and even i got lots of them.

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